Proud Partners with Zensa
We at Bananafish Tattoo Parlour are not against the use of numbing agents. This can be a game-changer in pain management for some. The days of having to "earn" a tattoo are long gone, in our opinion. We strive to make our clients as comfortable as possible in an effort to create a positive experience. Please review the rest of our Pre-Care information for more tips!
We sell Zensa in the shop at the lowest price possible. Through trial an error, we believe that we have found the safest and most effective way to get the best results from this product. Please follow our instructions.
- Always consult with your artist (if the artist is not with BTP) to ensure that they are comfortable with the use of numbing agents.
- You can ask your artist if they are available to help you with this process prior to your apt. Sometimes that is preferred, especially if in a difficult area.
- If you are unsure, a patch test can be done on a small area as a safety measure.
Do not shave the area. Your artist will do this as we cannot tattoo over razor burn or abrasions. - It is important to notify your any artist of any allergies you may have prior to your tattoo and use of this product.
- 1 1/2 hrs before your appointment, take a warm-hot shower gently exfoliating the area that will be tattooed.
- Apply small, dime sized dollops of Zensa on the area about an inch apart. With clean hands, use a finger to pat the cream distributing it evenly over the surface area of where your tattoo will be placed. This should result in a thick layer that sits on top of the skin. Do not rub in like a lotion.
- Wrap or cover the area with plastic wrap, cling wrap, or Seran wrap. If on an arm or leg, wrap the entire appendage to prevent air from entering, and seal the outside edges with tape, sensi wrap, kinesio tape, or the like. If not, do your best to cover the area plus extra to accommodate slippage and seal the edges.
- It can be helpful to wear snug fitting, comfortable clothing over the wrapped area to keep the wrap in place and create warmth which will help the cream absorb into your skin.
Your artist will remove the plastic wrap for you when you arrive, right before they are ready to start your session.
Contact the shop with any questions or concerns!
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